Monday 20 February 2012

Earring collection/storage

Hello everyone,
there is no doubt about it. I love earrings. I have worn them pretty much every single day for the past 2½ years since I got them pierced (after much begging/persuading to my parents!) I thought today that I would share with you all how I store them.
All it is, is the lid of a chocolate box, with layers of craft foam in. You can pick the foam up in Hobbycraft or any craft shop like that (I think they might even sell it in Tesco?). All I did to make it was cut the foam to size, and then put several layers of it one on top of each other, until they were thick enough so that I could put the earring in and they will stand up. Then all you have to do it simply push in all of your earrings! You can either keep the backs on (which I do) or take them off and keep them in a little pot. I find it's easier to keep them on because then it's easier to put a pair of earring on if you're in a rush in the mornings!
This is what I keep my everyday earrings in, and the ones which don't fit in the other foam/chocolate box thing. It's actually a pot from an Activia yoghurt, and I simply washed it out and tied a ribbon around it! I put them in here because they're so much easier to get them if you're in a rush and I don't have to push them into the foam every night (I know, I know I'm lazy, right?) 
Image from here
I want to purchase one of these sort of stands when I start wearing more dangly earrings, but seeing as I only have about 2 pairs of them, I don't thing I can really justify buying a rack for them! If you were wondering where to get it, there are some on eBay for around a tenner :)

I really want all of these earrings (all of them are from River Island and cost £1.50-£3) but whenever I go in they never have any of them! I might just have to suck up and pay the £4 delivery charges :| (I'm so tight when it comes to deliver costs!)
 Right, now I'm off to read my new magazines and drink my coffee :)
hahaha red lipstick+white mug= red lip print on mug :)

thankyou for reading and have a lovely day 


  1. Such a great idea! :)

  2. I want some of your earrings!! Don't forget in the Company mag on pg 99 to send off for your FREE bracelet, I posted about it the other day.



    1. Hahaa thanks Emma! :D I posted my form thingy for the bracelet off today! :D xxxx

  3. Wooooo, love them bunny earrings hehe! too cute!!!

    1. thankyou! I got them in Miss Selfridge- they were reduced from £10 to £1.50! :D

  4. Wow, how creative! :) And you have really good taste in earrings!! ;)

  5. Your ideas are so creative! I cant believe thats an old chocolate box lid and activia pot! How adorable :) xox

    1. thanks Katie! It's so easy to turn old things into something cute and useful with a bit of ribbon! :D xxx

  6. My jewlerry box is starting to get WAY too small for all my earrings,will defianly be upgrading soon :)


    1. hahaa I couldn't stand having them all mixed up in a box! Having them like this makes them so much easier to find a matching pair in the mornings! xxx

  7. Such a fantastic idea! I alwayssss lose my earrings so this would be great for me x

    1. thankyou Natalie! This makes it so much easier to find a matching pair in the morning aswell! :D xxx

  8. ther is nothing better then a cuppa & some magazines! Love the cath kidson mug :) I actually don't have my ears pierced the storage is really pretty! x

    1. hahaa I know :) Oh really? My parents didn't let me get them done for yeaaars but I'm so glad they did! I love having them pierced, and it didn't hurt at all! :D xxxx

  9. this is an amazing idea! i'm stuck with one of the rubbish cheapy ones from claires which looks a bit childish. i so have to try this- thank you so much for this post!xx

  10. wow! that is alot of earrings! I can barely keep a pair without losing one! nice work!

  11. Really great and creative idea.


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