Monday 13 February 2012

My favorite nail varnishes

Hello everyone,
I have seen a few people doing posts similar to this and so I thought I would do one too! I have so many nail varnishes it was so hard to take it down to my top four, but these are the ones which I reach for during the weekend (we aren't allowed to wear it at school)
Nails inc. 'Basil Street', Barry M 'Raspberry',  Leighton Denny 'Lollipop' and Barry M 'Flamingo'
Nails inc. 'Basil Street'- I tend to wear this one to school  during the week because we aren't allowed to wear nail varnish to school, but because I don't like wearing nothing on my nails, I find that this is a good nude colour to wear.
Barry M 'Flamingo'- this is probably my most reached for nail varnish in the spring/summer (although I sill wear it in the winter to brighten my mood!) It is the perfect bright hot pink without it being too luminous. I really love Barry M, they are my favorite brand for nail varnish because they are really good price and they have so many colours!

Barry M 'Raspberry'- this is my favorite colour to wear during the winter. It's more bright than it looks in the photo, but without it being a bright red. I think raspberry is a really good name for it because it is exactly the same colour as the raspberry jam that I had on my toast this morning!
Leighton Denny 'Lollipop'- my Grandma gave me this about 6 months ago. It is slightly darker than 'Flamingo' and it brings my tan out more during the summer and I really like putting it on my toes too.

Overall as you can see I really like bright pinks/reds. My favorite brand as I said earlier is Barry M because it is well pigmented, cheap and they have a wide colour range. I also really recommend Collection 2000 because they are such a good price (£1.79 in Boots) and they are so creamy and well pigmented! If you were wondering my favorite colour is Hoola hoop which is a bright pink!

Oh and I also bought these dotting tools off of eBay the other day and they came yesterday. I haven't used them yet but I can't wait to!

What are your favorite nail varnishes? Leave them in the comment box!

Thankyou for reading and have a lovely day 


  1. lovely photography :) really like the nude colour! x

    1. thankyou! I think I might stick with the white background! :) xxxxx

  2. I would hate to not be allowed to wear nail varnish to school! I feel bad for you :( x

    1. hahaha I know! It's so annoying! We can sometimes get away with nude shades but they make us take it off normally! :( xxxx

  3. the flamingo color seems amazing and also really funny as a name :)

    1. haha I love it when nail varnishes have cute names instead of just like 'shade 1' :) xx

  4. I've awarded you a Versatile Blogger Award :)x

  5. i love the barry m nail polishes! they're so good :)
    I have 4 nails inc nail polishes and I find that every single one seems to chip really easily! :( i really like the colour of basil street! xxx

    1. Haha I have so many of them and there are still loads which I want! My Nails inc. varnishes don't seem to chip that badly if I use a base/top coat! xxxx

  6. those barry m colours are gorgeous! i'm defiantly going to have to get myself some dotting tools!x

    sophie @

    1. hahaa if you're going to get some get them on eBay, they're so cheap! Mine were about £1.15 and free delivery and they're really good quality! :D xxxxx

  7. hi islay, i use rio nail art pens to do my nails, i have actually scheduled a post about them in the next few days so keep an eye out :) xxx

  8. the Barry M ones look really nice.x

  9. love the colors you have! I cant wait to see what you come up with! <3

  10. barry m raspberry looks CUTE !
    im your newest follower and follow you on twitter ! hope you can view / follow my page sometime <3

  11. Great selections! I'm craving for that flamingo and lollipop polish they're fun colors.
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  12. totally love basil street as well! lovely blog! :).x

  13. the flamingo colour is lovely! i love the rainy day nail varnish from topshop- it's so unusual! xx

  14. I love Barry m nail polishes, they're such good quality and a great price! I've only just found your blog and am now a follower.

    I'm doing a MAC giveaway at the moment, you can check it out at

    :-) xx

  15. I loooove Barry M Flamingo!! Such as good colour for Summer :) xx

  16. oooo love the barry M nail varnishes! and beautiful photos!


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