Monday 14 May 2012 and a ramble

This is just a quick post to let you know that as of last night is now
I'm super happy to have bought a domain as it now seems so much more professional and it means that every time I want to type my link I don't have to write the .blogspot each time! (lazy I know, I know)
I was thinking of doing a giveaway when I reached 200 GFC followers and the prize would be that I wold pay for the winner to have a domain instead of the .blogspot for a year. I mentioned it last night during the #bbloggers chat an I got lots of positive feedback saying people thought it would be a really good idea! So the sooner I get to the big 200, the sooner the giveaway will be!
Anyway my exams start tomorrow (AHHHH) so I'm really sorry if you don't see much of me for a few weeks! I have a couple of posts scheduled and I have the photos for around 3 other posts, I just need to find the time to write them (oh and one is a to do with makeup storage, hint hint)
Oh I haven't said yet, but I have a job interview in Lush on Wednesday which I'm really nervous/excited about! If you have any tips please let me know, as I'm quite inexperienced with job interviews!
Anyway I hope you're all okay and I can't wait for my exams to be over so that I can do lots and lots of blogging yayayayay :)
This post hasn't turned out as short as I thought it would be, and I should probably go and do some Religious Studies revision as my exam is TOMORROW, nooooo!
I don't like doing posts without a photo, so here's some flowers...

Thankyou for reading, have a lovely day 


  1. Yay, congrats on your domain! Good luck for your exam lovely! xo

  2. Hey, cute blog :) Cool that you got a domain too. Thinking of doing that myself soon.

    Fancy doing a little button swap on the blogs? Just drop me a comment or something on my blog and lemme know! x

  3. Brilliant idea for a giveaway.x

  4. Great that you've got your own domain name :D Good luck with your exams and interview :D


  5. very cool you've got your own domain! Best of luck with all your exams :) x

  6. Congrats on your domain, such a good idea for a giveaway can't wait! Xx

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