Friday 13 April 2012

Free 30ml Liz Earle- Cleanse and Polish with this month's Red magazine

Hello everyone,
I first saw this on Lola's blog the other day and I thought that because it was such a good freebie I had to let you all know about it aswell! In this month's Red magazine you get a free 30ml Liz Earl Cleanse & Polish and Muslin Cloth! I have the No7 version of it but I am dying to try out the Liz Earl one, so if you have a chance you have to pick it up! The bottle will be really good for traveling, and its a great way to try it out with out spending the full price!
I believe Red is priced around £3.50ish, and for this amout of product (30ml) the price would be around £4.50, so as you can see you are getting a really good freebie!

You can check out Lola's Liz Earl Cleanse & Polish review here

Thankyou for reading, have a lovely day


  1. so tempted to get this mag! x

  2. Really excited to pick this up now! Have been desperate to try out this cleanser for a long time,and Red is a great magagzine anyway :)
    Bex x

  3. aah this is exciting! Thanks for letting us know xx

  4. I love getting freebies in magazines,the main reason I buy them lol :D Will be looking out for this because I'm on the hunt for a new cleanser,I like trying out new things :)


  5. thanks for sharing, this is such a good freebie! I've been meaning to try Liz Earle for a while :) Lovely blog by the way! xo


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