Wednesday 11 April 2012

summer lovin'

A few people have been asking for some new nail art posts, so here is one! 
I decided to turn my plain peach coloured nails into my favourite nail art design earlier. Here is how it turned out
They are actually really easy to do, if you have a really fine nail brush, a dotting tool, a steady hand and some patience! I got my dotting tool and brushes off of eBay and they were under a pound each.
All you have to do to recreate this look is paint white stripes across four of the nails. Then paint one of your fingers with a mint green colour. I used Rimmel 'Misty Jade' for mine. Then get a light pink/peach I used the same one that I have on the rest of my nails (Accessorize 'Apricot Crush') and with your dotting tool make a couple of dots on your nails. Once that is dry paint some little curved lines with your paintbrush on top. You can use a bright pink/red for this, but make sure it is darker than the other colour. Wait for that to dry too and then paint some little leaves onto it with a darker green. Mine is Barry M 'Spring Green'
Once you are sure it is dry, then finish it all off with a top coat! I used Barry M 'Base and Top Coat'
And that is it finished!

I think this is perfect for spring/summer and I will be rocking this look a lot over the next few months!

Thankyou for reading, and have a lovely day 


  1. So pretty especially the pinks!

  2. so pretty, your ring finger looks amazing x

  3. These are amazing!!!


  4. This is such a cute nail design!! It looks so tricky I don't think I have the patience! X

  5. Hi I love this so much I actually tried it out for myself! I did a post about it here it would be amazing if you checked it out!! xx


I would love you to leave a comment on my UK beauty, fashion and nail art blog to give me your suggestions for posts, nail art tutorial requests and any other questions or comments you have.