Sunday 15 April 2012

Pinterest hair inspiration

Hello everyone, 
I noticed a couple of people had been doing posts on their Pinterest inspiration, so I thought I would do one aswell! I would really recommend getting Pinterest if you don't have it already! In case you were wondering my Pinterest username is Islay Grant, or you can just click on the link in the sidebar to be taken to my page!
Anyway here is some of my favourite images that I pinned onto my hair pinboard

I have massive hair envy over all of these people, but it has definitely given me some inspiration for new hair styles to try out!

Thankyou for reading, have a lovely day 


  1. ah I love them all, desperately need to start doing something with my hair! xx

  2. Wow! I love the pinky blue hair!

  3. Great hair inspiration, the girl on last photo is very pretty. x

  4. The last two... I've just taken jealousy to a next level
    You've given me motivation to do something with my hair tomorrow :)
    Daisie x

  5. I love them all! Major hair envy too! I'm terrible with my own! xxx

  6. I too have hair envy! I want it to grow so long like these pretty ladies!

  7. in love with all those hair styles. i love braids so much

    adora xxx

  8. I WISH I could do something even vaguely resembling any of these pictures! Think I need to spend more time on youtube learning some extra good plaiting techniques!xxx

  9. i love all these hair styles. i have long blonde hair but wish I could style it as amazingly as these. Love the plaits and the big buns. they look amazing :)

    Mel x

  10. Love all of these hair styles they look amazing! xx

  11. Massive hair envy! I really wish my hair was blonde and wavy (but I've now realised how weird that would look)... But really tempted to dip dye it purple in the summer! :')
    And I can never do plaits (apart from the normal ones), I'm not skilled enough for fishtail braids.. :(

    ~Hannah xx


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