Thursday 20 September 2012

new camera!

so, erm I got a new camera. It was a present from my parents as a sort of well done for exam results and I am in LOVE with it. After a load of research I decided I really wanted the 'canon sx40'. My old camera was a canon too (canon ixus 105) and I loved it but after having it for almost two years I felt I had sort of 'grown out' of it! I was recommended it by my photography teacher and I got it for my birthday almost two years ago! It's been great and all the photos on my blog have been done on it!
I needed a new one which is good for bloggy things (it has a flip out screen which is perfect for OOTDs) and I needed lots of settings and stuff for my AS photography which I'm doing! (posts coming soon if you want?)
It is a bridge camera which basically has all the settings/quality/zoom of a DSLR but you don't have to buy a ton of expensive lenses for it.
The first time I actually went into a comet type shop to look at the different bridge cameras they had there I decided I really liked this one and it's the one I ended up getting! Hahaa
It's quite awkward for taking NOTD photos because it's quite heavy so I might use my old camera for them because the macro mode on my old one is really good!

But yeaah I thought I would just do this post to update you!
Here is a photo I took of my sister when I first got it, it makes me laugh! Haha


  1. Oooh I'm jealous that is amazing! I'd like to see posts on your AS photography :) I didn't take a qualification in photography but I love it as a hobby- I enjoy it even though I'm no good at it aha :P xx

  2. I was going to buy this one, but I ended up with a cross between a slr and a compact, might do a post on it. beautiful camera though xo

  3. This is such a lovely camera! I was doubting about buying this or the camera I have now! I got a lens for my birthday from my cousin which is an amazing lens but it is really heavy to carry along with me! I would love to see your posts on AS photography!

    xoxo, Laura

  4. I thought about getting this one but then decided a compact camera would do as well as I'm not really into photography except for taking pics for my blog. It's really nice of your parents to get you one though hope you'll enjoy :) x

  5. ooh i tempted to put this camera on my christmas list! how kind of your parents to buy it for you! :) x

  6. The quality looks great! I was so tempted to get a bridge camera for ages but the one I wanted kept going out of stock so I ended up buying a third hand SLR, it's getting old now though! xxx

    Found you on the blogger hop, now following! xx

  7. amazing camera- looks so fancy! and yes!! post your as work, that would be awesome xx

  8. Iv just recently nicked of with my daddys Cannon camera :)

    btw i nominated u for the Liebster award

  9. That camera is amazing, you will be able to take endless incredible photos with that model. I'm really glad I've just stumbled across your blog, it's incredible! I am now most certainly following you :)

  10. Looks like an amazing camera! x

  11. A stick or a rock can knock a bullet out of position without needing to be in view of the 700 tvl dome camera or even close to the camera.

  12. Hi Good day i see your blogs and it was amazing its very helpful to me especially when im creating some new blogs if you want to visit my site if you want? here just visit im camera store australia you can visit any time you want


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