Tuesday 3 September 2013

primark haul!

I haven't made a trip to primark to buy clothes in forever so when I had a day off yesterday and it was super sunny and I'd just been paid I thought I'd take the opportunity to visit my local Primark with my little sister. They had rubbish sizes in most things and quite a few pieces that I wanted (pretty patterend skater dresses and cami tops) they only had size 6/8 or 18 left so I had to leave them (boooo). I did however end up with quite a few things so I've put them into a haul for you, I hope you enjoy!
My YouTube channel is linked in the sidebar or you can click here, I'd love for you to subscribe

There's still time to enter my giveaway too!


  1. Ooooh I love the fluffy cardigan :) Hopefully my primark will have it when I get round to shopping for autumn/winter. Great haul :)

    ox Lucy

  2. Wauw lovely! i really like the fluffy cardigan and the flower top you're wearing!

  3. Love the red top with the floral print! Gorgeous video and an even more gorgeous blog! You have a new follower (& on Insta- your pics are amazing)

    I'm giving away a MAC Lipstick on my blog if you'd like to enter!

  4. awesome haul! I love the blazer, so stylish <3


  5. Amazing haul! Check out my vintage blog! I have just made it, I will be ding a haul soon! http://thevintagemockingbird.blogspot.co.uk/


I would love you to leave a comment on my UK beauty, fashion and nail art blog islaay.com to give me your suggestions for posts, nail art tutorial requests and any other questions or comments you have.