Tuesday 7 August 2012

25 questions tag

I saw this tag on thehappyrubberduck's YouTube channel so I thought I would give it a go!

1. Do you have any pets?
No :'( I would LOVE a dog (hint hint daddy) but my parents won't let me get one
2. Name three things physically close to you
empty crisp packet (oops)
my camera
my notebook
3. What's the weather like right now?
4. Do you drive?
I can't drive until I'm 17 but hopefully I won't crash when I do start!
5. What time did you wake up this morning?
about 10am I think?
6. When was the last time you showered?
I had a shower about three hours ago I think?
8. What does your last text message say?
It's one from my sister saying "ya" hahaa
7. What was the last movie you saw? 
I saw Magic Mike a couple of days ago (it's rubbish btw)
9. What's your ringtone?
It's just a bog standard ring
10. Have you ever been to a different country?
We go abroad pretty much every year, I've been to France about ten times, America twice, Spain, Italy a couple of times, Luxembourg, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium a couple of times, Germany a couple of times and there's probably more but I can't really remember :)
11. Do you like sushi?
I don't eat fish except for tuna so no, but I quite like the vegetable ones
12. Where do you buy your groceries?
13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster?
14. How many siblings do you have?
I have a 12 year old sister
15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
I have a laptop
16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
My birthday is in October and I will be 17
17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Apart from sunglasses in the summer, nope!
18. Do you colour your hair?
I want to dye it but I know it will go wrong and I will ruin my hair so nope!
19. What are you planning to do today?
Well it's currently 16:07 and this morning I went to my mum's art group with her, had lunch, made bread, wrote a couple of blog posts and now I'm writing this!
20. When was the last time you cried?
I don't really cry that much so probably the last time was when I was crying with laughter :)
21. What is your favourite pizza topping?
The one in pizza express where its got mozzarella, pesto, tomatoes and basil on it yuuuum
22. Do you prefer hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
I don't eat meat except for chicken so a chicken burger? ;)
23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
I remember we used to try and stay up all night at sleepovers but I think 6am was about as close as we got, does that count?
24. What is your eye colour?
Dark brown
25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and coke?
Probably not, but I always but coke over Pepsi!

check out my most recent outfit of the day post here!

Thankyou for reading, have a lovely day ♥


  1. ISLAY. I think you are only woman in the whole female population of the world who disliked Magic Mike! Although, there was absolutely no story line - Channing Tatum made up for that surely!?x


  2. What a lovely set of questions and you're funny in your answers. I'm 23 and have only just started to learn to drive. I haven't hit anything yet so I promise you won't either!

    Helen xxx

  3. I really enjoyed reading this :)
    It's a nice way for your readers to get to know you better. The questions were fun! I might steal this from you, haha!


  4. Love this post and blog

    I follow you would you like to follow my blog:

    Thank You

  5. My parents wouldn't get me a pet either! Haha I love dogs too!

  6. This was really iteresting, I also have the same worries about driving!


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