Thursday 30 August 2012

spots and stripes

When I was in London last week I bought a couple of stripers for my nails in a shop in Westfield (can't remember what it was called but it was on the bottom floor if that helps!) they were super cheap (99p each I think) so I picked a few up. I wanted to try one out so this is the design I came up with! It's very simple but I quite like it so I thought I would share it with you!

The colours I used were
Rimmel: 'tangy tangerine' 705
'marshmallow heaven' 702
La Colours: white striper
NYC: pinstripe white (for the dots)

I'm planning on doing a 'nail art 101' type of post soon so if you have any questions you want answered then leave them below!


  1. I have a question :)
    How do you paint your nails so nicely using your non writing hand? :) xxxx

  2. The stripes look so neat! I really want to start doing more with my nails, may need to invest in some stripers. I agree with the question above, both sets of your nails look just as good, when I use my left hand it ends up a bit of a nightmare haha xx

  3. i love these, they are so girly and cute. All of your nail art posts are so lovely and really inventive ;) xxx

  4. Love Love Loveee this nail look :) dots & stripes are so cute!


  5. This looks great, I love the purple colour so much x

  6. Lovely nails! They remind me of American flags :) xx

  7. oh my, that is so cool!


  8. my question would be "how should i get glitter nail polish off best?" because i always end up having to chip away at it and damaging my nails :P thanks :D

    ps great post! x

  9. This is really cool, I love it! :D
    Fee xx


I would love you to leave a comment on my UK beauty, fashion and nail art blog to give me your suggestions for posts, nail art tutorial requests and any other questions or comments you have.