Wednesday 29 August 2012

what I've been up to recently...

I really enjoy reading these posts so I thought I would do one of my own! This is basically a collection of photos which show what I've been up to for the past couple of weeks, enjoy!

playing on the trampoline/holiday in Italy/dad going off on a sailing race round the UK for 2 weeks (which he won)/NEON ORANGE NAILS/fish and chips on the beach like the typical Brits we are/nail art mania/London trip/GCSE results day/grandparents 50th wedding anniversary in Manchester

I start back at sixth form in just over a week which to be honest I'm not exactly counting down the days for. When do you go back to school/college/uni etc? I know some people have been back for quite a while!
Oh and the paralympics kick off tonight which I'm really looking forward to watching on the TV!

what have you been up to recently? As I said earlier I love this sort of post so if you have one like it then link me up!


  1. Cute post - the nail art looks so cool. xx

  2. Loving the nail art sweetie - and the pictures of your family are really nice. Congratulations again on your exam results :) xxx


  3. Looks like you've been having a great time. I love all the nail art designs I really need to buy some nail wheels x

  4. omg your nail art looks amazing! i go back to sixth form next thursday, not impressed, haha! x

  5. Love your outfit in the London picture. I went to Carnaby street recently too and loved it!

  6. Islay you're so gorgeous I love it, great blog! x


I would love you to leave a comment on my UK beauty, fashion and nail art blog to give me your suggestions for posts, nail art tutorial requests and any other questions or comments you have.