Sunday 30 December 2012

christmas 2012 haul!

Because I've seen a few posts which have been taken badly- I'm just putting a quick disclaimer in to say I'm not bragging about what I've received at all, and I am extremely grateful for everything I received!

iPad mini: My main present from my parents was an iPad mini- I hadn't really asked for anything in particular from my parents as I didn't know what I want I wanted but I was saving up for one and they surprised me by buying it for me! Dad also got my little sister and my mum one too and none of us were expecting it at all! My dad gave mum her's to open first and I saw her open it and I was just like "WHAT, HOW IS THIS FAIR, I'VE WANTED ONE FOR AGES" (I think I actually shouted that out...) and then they gave my sister and I ours to open and I was just like "AHHH YAAAY!" anyway I love it so much, it's great for browsing the internet and I love how it's so portable because I can just be sat in my room or in the kitchen or whatever which is what I wanted it for! It's great for watching youtube videos and BBC iplayer on too because the screen is so much bigger than the one on my iPhone!
Hairdryer: From my auntie (dad's sister) I got a new hairdryer which I had asked for because my other one broke and I'd been sharing with my sister for a couple of months which had been annoying! I love this one and it dries my hair in (no joke) 45-60 seconds, wow! I have the curlers to match too which I think I got last year or the year before I think!
Onesie: From my other auntie (mum's sister) I got a onesie (which I'm wearing right now) and I think it's from M&S- who knew they would sell them! I like the cute polka dots on it and the me to you bear on it is cute too! Oh and it's super duper comfortable!
Money, nail file, tights and nickers: From one set of grandparents (mum's mum and dad) I got some money which I have put towards buying a new pair of boots (post soon if you want), a Leighton Denny crystal nail file which I had been eyeing up since using my Grannie's in the summer-it's great and I love the Leighton Denny nail polishes too, and the tights and the penguin nickers were from them too. The nickers are so cute hahaa
Money: From my grandpa (dad's dad) I got £50 which I'm going to buy an external hard drive for my laptop with (exciting I know) and then from my grandma (dad's mum) I received some really soft pyjamas which I forgot to photograph!
Hollister voucher: From my uncle (dad's brother) I got a £25 Hollister voucher, so I will have to take a trip to Southampton or Brighton soon to spend it- I might get some new trackies as I already have a navy pair which are great for wearing around the house because they're all fluffy on the inside!
H&M voucher: From Lee (my auntie who gave me the hairdryer's partner) I got a H&M gift voucher which I'm so excited to spend! I had a quick look through their sale the other day but nothing caught my eye but I've seen a pair of full price simple black skinny trousers which I may get!
Necklace and earrings: My lovely blog friend Helen gave me the really cool spikey necklace and the pearl earrings from New Look- she knows me well as spikes and pearls are my two favourite things when it comes to jewelry so thank you Helen!
Yankee candle and sleek eye shadow palette: From another of my lovely blog friends- Ellie, I got a mini yankee candle in christmas cookie which smells absolutely amazing and this really nice Sleek eye shadow palette which has loads of glittery colours in which I can't wait to play with!
Sock monkey and tights: My sister gave me a pair of tights and the monkey toy which she made from a pair of socks- I seem to be accumulating quite a collection of little toys she's made!
Bracelets: From the secret santa we did at work I got this lovely set of rose gold bracelets which match my watch perfectly.They have loads of cute charms on including a tiny pink wooden elephant which is my favourite and some chocolate which obviously was eaten long ago! (thank you Ellie)
Hand cream: And last but not least, I got a Leighton Denny hand cream from the secret santa we do within our family which I organise and we do after we've eaten the christmas dinner and before the pudding every year! It's actually really good and I have my suspicions as to who it was from... You can't actually really see it in the photos though because of the reflection on the box- grr!

I also got a boots voucher and a cute heart keyring from my mum's aunties but I forgot to include them in the photo, boo!

I love reading these posts so if you've done one please link it below, and if you don't have a blog then please leave a comment telling me what you got!


  1. omg did you get some awesome stuff!

  2. so jealous you got an iPad mini! Looks like you got some lovely things xx

  3. You got such lovely presents! I've read such great things about Ipad minis I really want to save up for one myself next year xx

  4. Lovely pressies, ooh fancy an ipad mini!

    Sophierosehearts x

  5. Great gifts Islay! Such awesome things :)

  6. I just found your blog and absolutely love it :)



  7. Thanks for my mention lovely and I'm really glad you like your earrings and necklace :) You got some fab presents! Helen xxx

  8. I hope you had a fab Christmas Islay! You got some gorgeous things, and also reminded me that I need to replace my Leighton Denny Crystal nail file. It went walkabouts..

    Love, Mollie xo

  9. Aww you got some lovely presents! Loove the background on your iPad.. and the iPad of course! After reading lots of these posts I really want an iPad mink now!xx

  10. You got lots of lovely things for Christmas! Xx


I would love you to leave a comment on my UK beauty, fashion and nail art blog to give me your suggestions for posts, nail art tutorial requests and any other questions or comments you have.