Friday 14 December 2012

fairisle nails

these are my favourite of my Christmas nails so far! I got my inspiration from this photo which I found on pinterest- they're not exactly the same and the one I got the inspiration from is obviously better but I don't think they are bad for a first attempt! I've had these planned since like September or something but I made myself wait for December to actually do them! Reindeer nails like these ones by Caroline are next on my Christmas nail art to do list! I really need to get myself some more nail wheels so I can practice on them!
The polishes I used were:
♥ Barry M 'raspberry'
♥ white Rio nail art pen
♥ Nails inc. 'caviar top coat'


  1. Your nails look great, so gorgeous! Perf for Christmas! xxx

  2. So cute, there amazing! Serious nail skills going on there ^_^ mine would come out in a blob... for sure aha! xx

  3. love these! want to try them myself xx

  4. These look amazing, so jealous of your nail at skills x

  5. These look lovely wish I was good at nail art! x

  6. these are absolutely gorgeous, so perfect and christmassy!
    Imogen <3

  7. You are such a nail art pro! x


I would love you to leave a comment on my UK beauty, fashion and nail art blog to give me your suggestions for posts, nail art tutorial requests and any other questions or comments you have.