Saturday 1 December 2012

beauty wish list

This is a few things I'm lusting after recently! Me being me, there's obviously like 100 more things on my wish list but I didn't have time to add 107 photos onto a page haha
I created this picture using the tool on the new Beauty Sets website if you were wondering! It's great and has loads of cool features which I'm yet to play around with properly! This was just a test one but I quite liked how it turned out so I thought I would post it anyway! The only annoying thing is that once you have created it you can't go back and edit it (hence it saying .1 instead of 1. at the beginning!)

Would anyone like to see a christmas wish list? What's on your wish list at the moment?


  1. Russian red is such a lovely colour, I really want yankee candles for Christmas :) x

  2. I love Russian red so much! I think it was my first ever Mac lipstick, i don't wear it as much though. I think I need to spice up my confidence a bit more! I also love the Chanel parfum, my mother owns it and I use it all the time. :)

  3. Islay you've just made my wishlist so much longer. I don't think I'm brave enough to wear russian red, and I woudn't be able to wear it that often because of school etc, boo:( And YES to a christmas wish list! I have no idea what to get at the moment! xxx

  4. I really want the Mac lipstick too, the colour looks amazing xx

  5. The Clarins primer is definitely on my wishlist too! It sounds amazing :)

    xx Ellie 

  6. Thank you so much for telling us about Beauty sets! Just became a member! Thank you!!



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