Sunday 30 December 2012

leopard print nails

It's nice to have something on my nails as opposed to all of my Christmas designs! I thought I would mix it up a bit from the normal gold and brown that you normally see in leopard print nails and I went for pink and blue instead! The black is the Rio nail art pen (of course) and both the pink and blue are from essie but I don't know the shade names! The base and top coat which I used were the Nails inc. caviar ones (BEST THING TO COME INTO MY LIFE EVER- I took these photos on the third day of wearing them and I'd been at work one of those days too, wow!)


  1. These are gorgeous Islay! I love doing leopard print on my nails, it's a little difficult, but it's not too hard. And once they're done right, I get so many compliments and questions about them! :)

    xo, aly

  2. Absolutely love the colours for this nail art!

  3. These nails are so cute! Glad the Caviar is holding well too! Ahh I want long nails so you can paint them ;) xxx

  4. Islay, will you just come to Glasgow every week and do my nails for me? Ta!
    These are gorgeousss!

  5. Theyre gorgeous! x

  6. Super gorgeous! I love that you went with non traditional colors!

  7. AH i am always so jealous of your nails, that looks great!

    Sophierosehearts x


I would love you to leave a comment on my UK beauty, fashion and nail art blog to give me your suggestions for posts, nail art tutorial requests and any other questions or comments you have.